Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy

Man using treadmill under supervision

Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy – Whitewater Physiotherapy provides clinic or in-home physiotherapy and assessment for any cardiorespiratory condition. Examples include:

Woman performing breathing exercise In most cases, your physician will be involved either by recommending or approving physiotherapy treatment. We have experience treating all types of cardiorespiratory conditions in various settings and have training in respiratory and cardiac rehabilitation. We can teach family members how to help with augmented breathing and assisted cough techniques. We can provide different types of mucus clearance therapy such as percussion, postural drainage and use of mucus clearance devices. Treatment may also include respiratory muscle training or supervised cardiovascular exercise.

Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy – Whitewater Physiotherapy

For more information on how we can get you moving again, please contact us.